The Media is Fake?

In a recent interview by CNN, Cary Poarch speaks about him being a "whistleblower" and what a nightmare it is. The author of the blog post, informs the readers that CNN employees casually confirms anti-Trump bias and to only focus impeachment even at the expense of other more important news. And to be more aware of the disturbing networks dishonesty. Readers can find out more at Foxnews.
The author's primary focus is to warn people not to believe everything you see in the media. Because it is only there to distract people. Like for example, the impeachment of President Trump.
In ways I agree with the writer, I believe it is always important to be mindful of what you read, or see, given by the media. But also I find it ironic that people only rely on CNN for national news when it is known to be mainstream.
The author adds "Expose CNN" as if this specific media isn't blatant bias. And that CNN was responsible for increasing Donald Trump's fame. 
The author is also surprised that the network consistently "pumps out propaganda." Again as a reader who already finds any national news not 100% truthful, I am astonished at the author for being so blind and innocent. 
The author proves his points by including readers links to undercover videos done by CNN employees to expose the toxicity the company has on their bloggers, writers, etc. Stating that "they hate covering Trump all day" as if they did not know what they were signing up for when becoming a writer for CNN.
Overall, this is a fascinating blog. I am not surprised that they feel betrayed and tired of only having to write about Trump all day for publicity purposes, but it is a somewhat relief that there is some adequate proof. 
